welcome to tbp

Hi! I’m Monica, founder + designer of The Berkshire Press, bringing my classic, refined aesthetic to creative endeavors.

Having held various in-house marketing and graphic design roles at non-profit organizations and fashion + lifestyle brands, I now develop visual identities, guide clients to strategically create content that supports their story, and provide print + digital graphic design services to small and medium-sized brands. Learn more about my offerings here.

Additionally, my affinity for handwritten correspondence and soft spot for luxurious paper + elegant typography inspired me to develop a small stationery line. Head to the shop for more!

I grew up in Dallas, went to college in upstate New York, and spent 10 years living in Washington, DC and New York City. I now call Connecticut home. Thanks for stopping by–I’m so glad you’re here!

the blog

Some of you may have read my former lifestyle blog (originally Cake & Lilies, then MonicaDutia.com) and while I’m not posting regularly these days, having a site to share my travels, recipes, musings, and favorite finds is something I’ve always enjoyed. The Blog is back, in a way; select posts have been carried over from my previous site, and I’m excited to get back into sporadic posting under The Berkshire Press brand.

some of my favorite things

Tex-Mex, stripes, traveling, a good book, Hendrick’s martinis, new-to-me restaurants, a good burger, walking > other forms of transportation, being inspired by interiors, watches, a great typeface, neutral colors, cake (preferably boxed or of the grocery store buttercream variety), a really good hotel, croissants, tea > coffee

headshot by kate headley